Nje leng i thjeshte per tu pergatitur por qe eshte nje ilaç natyral per trupin e njeriut.
Produktet keshillohen te jene bio:
- 1 rrepe e kuqe
- 1 karrot
- dhe 1 molle
Ky leng i kuq ka shume veti te dobishme per trupin tone.
eshte edhe nje detoksifikues i mire.
Rregullon presionin e gjakut, parandalon infarktin, parandalon aknet dhe ndalon plakjen e lekures.
Gjithashtu nihmon ne forcimin e kujteses, forcon imunitetin, syte, pankreasin dhe ndihmon ne tretje.
Ky eshte fantastik. Ja lista e plote e vetive te ketij lengu:
- Prevent cancer cells developing. Restrain cancer cells growing further.
- Prevent liver, kidney and pancreas disease. (Reported to also cure ulcers.)
- Strengthen the lungs, prevent heart attack and high blood pressure.
- Strengthen the immune system.
- Good for eyesight, eliminate red, tired eyes or dry eyes.
- Help eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache.
- Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation. Therefore it will make skin healthy and look more radiant.
- Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
- Great for preventing and killing acne problems.
- Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.